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CT Surgery

CT Surgery

CT Surgery

Cardiothoracic (CT) Surgery is the field of medicine involved in surgical treatment of diseases affecting the heart, lungs, esophagus, and other organs in the chest.


Areas of Focus:

Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG): Surgical treatment for coronary artery disease, involving bypassing blocked arteries to restore blood flow.
Heart Valve Surgery: Repair or replacement of defective heart valves to improve heart function.
Lung Surgery: Procedures to remove tumors or treat lung conditions such as emphysema or lung cancer.
Esophageal Surgery: Surgical treatment for esophageal cancer and other esophageal disorders, including esophagectomy.
Aortic Surgery: Repair or replacement of the aorta to treat aneurysms or dissections.

Services Performed by Doctors